I Believe you are here for a reason
That this is part of an answer your soul has been calling for; a new path to the connection that you seek.
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I believe....
I believe that our daughters chose to co-create this life together with us. Whether biological, adopted, by marriage or however she has come into your life, at one point your soul and her soul chose to connect earthside for this journey you are on.
I believe....
I believe the light shines where the cracks are. Your daughter will trigger and re-trigger wounds that need to be healed within you from your own journey in order to breaks cycles and empower her and yourself. Lean into the triggers, they are your road map.
I believe....
I believe that our daughters are our greatest teachers that their actions and behaviors are often a mirror to the wounds that we need to heal within ourselves, these lessons can often feel like rejection, anger, sadness, pain and fear. We need to see past the pain to the root lesson in order to change it. We need to FEEL in order to heal.
I believe....
I believe that emotional intelligence is the foundation of empowerment. When a girl is able to sit with an emotion in her body, identify the feeling and root cause, she will then be able to use the tools we give her to work through that emotion to the outcome she is seeking in a healthy way. Healthy emotional intelligence leads to a decline in risky and unhealthy behaviors.
I believe....
I believe that intuition is a gift and a personal roadmap we are all given but society has taught us to turn it off or rationalize it away. The more we teach girls to listen to their bodies and the whispers of their heart the faster she will stand in her own power.
I believe....
I believe the stories we tell ourselves will come true, that we co-create with the universe and that our thoughts have power. Want to change your story? Change your thoughts. You think the twos are terrible, that is what you will see. You think your teenage daughter will push you away and not want to talk to you, that is what you will see. What would it look like if we reversed these stories the world tells us is true and instead created stories filled with connection and love? How would you show up differently?
I believe....
I believe that Strong Personal Identity is a foundational tenet to becoming a powerful girl but in order for our daughters to develop this WE have to heal our own stories and wounds in order to be able to create a healthy detachment to allow our daughters to develop and show up as WHO they are and not who we hope they will be.
I believe....
I believe that Independence is a foundational tenet to becoming a powerful girl but society conditions us to be co-dependent, especially women. The sooner we start practicing and allowing our daughters autonomy and independence the more powerful she becomes because she learns what she is truly capable of. The ability to allow the independence and autonomy that girls need relies heavily our our ability to face and heal our own fears and insecurities as the two are connected.
I believe....
I believe that Leadership is a foundational tenet to becoming a powerful girl but that many people confuse leadership with loudness or bigness. Leadership for each girl can look different, sometimes it is quiet like a whisper and sometimes is is loud; neither is stronger than the other. In order for a girl to lead others she must first learn to lead herself, and that relies on her developing a Strong Personal Identity and Independence.
I believe....
I believe that motherhood is a cyclical journey. Sometimes we have to pull back to a cocoon, reconnect with ourselves and heal in order to move forward. I call this “Motherhood Metamorphis” and we will all go through several of these cycles on our journey, emerging changed each time. With community and the right support these changes can become transformational.
All photographs and images captured and created with LOVE by Maria Fuller